Download : Template Mejuajua : Jurnal Abdimas

1. Mejuajua : Jurnal Abdimas accepts research articles or literature reviews in Information Technology and Multimedia that were never published. The manuscript typed with Ms. Word, Times New Roman, font size 10, using A4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm) with an upper limit of 1.9 cm; below 3.25 cm; left-right 1.43 cm
2. Manuscripts are sent online via OJS Mejuajua : Jurnal Abdimas at
3. All authors in the article must be entered/typed in OJS when filling out "authors' in the article submission process.
4. Written in standard Indonesian. 1 space between lines. Each paragraph begins about 3 beats to the right.
5. Systematics of research articles: Title (Indonesian and English), Author Identity (Name, Affiliation, and Email), Abstract accompanied by Keywords, Pendahuluan (Introduction), Metodologi (Methodology), Hasil dan Pembahasan (Results and Discussion), Kesimpulan (Conclusions), Ucapan Terima Kasih (Acknowledgments) and Referensi (References).
6. The article title is not more than 14 words, typed in the middle (center), using Times New Roman with font size 20 pt REGULAR (Indonesia) and 18 pt (English) ITALIC.
7. Author Identity: full name without the academic degree (if the author is more than one, all authors' names listed along with each author's institution of origin) using Times New Roman with font size 12 pt Regular. Author affiliation must be in 11 pt Regular font. Email addresses must be in 10 pt Italic font.
8. An abstract is written in Indonesian and English using 1 space accompanied by 3-5 words or keyword phrases (written in alphabetic), using Times New Roman with a font size of 9 pt. Indonesian abstract length between 200-300 words (English Abstract adjusts). Abstracts are written in one paragraph, containing a minimum of objectives, methods, research results, and conclusions. Abstract and keywords inputted in OJS are abstract, and keywords are in English.
9. The introduction (IPendahuluan) contains the background and purpose or scope of the writing. All sections in this introduction are presented in an integrated manner in paragraphs without writing any subtitles.
10. The methodology (II. Metodologi) contains about formulating the problem under study in more detail (as far as possible written mathematically) and explaining the proposed method.
11. Results and discussion (III. Hasil dan Pembahasan), which contains about conveying the tests carried out and analyzing the results.
12. The conclusion (IV. Kesimpulan) has research findings in answering research questions. Conclusions are described in paragraphs, not using numbering or bullets.
13. Acknowledgments (Ucapan Terima Kasih) contain the author's thanks for the completion of the research.
14. Reference (Referensi) includes only the sources cited. Reference writing follows the IEEE Style rules, such as the following example:
1] M. Negnevitsky, “Fuzzy expert systems,” Artif. Intell. A Guid. to Intell. Syst., pp. 87–129, 2011
[2]M. Yunus, “PENERAPAN FUZZY EXPERT SYSTEM UNTUK DIAGNOSA PENYAKIT TELINGA, HIDUNG DAN TENGGOROKAN (THT),” Matrik J. Manajemen, Tek. Inform. dan Rekayasa Komput., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 51–53, 2015
[3] A. Adeli and M. Neshat, “A Fuzzy Expert System for Heart Disease Diagnosis,” Proc. Int. MultiConference Engineeers Comput. Sci., vol. I, pp. 1–6, 2010
[4] Jonathan M. Garibaldi, “Fuzzy expert systems,” pp. 1–27, 1991
[5] S. Das and P. K. Ghosh, “Hypertension Diagnosis : A Comparative Study using Fuzzy Expert System and Neuro Fuzzy System,” IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Syst., no. 2005, pp. 1–7, 2013.

15. Citations, tables, and figures follow the rules of the IEEE Style.
16. Use Reference Manager in managing references and citations such as Mendeley, EndNote, etc.
17. Articles written following the article writing templates on Mejuajua : Jurnal Abdimas .
18. Avoid duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.
19. The author attaches a Statement of Manuscript Authenticity when submitting the article.
20. Everything related to citation licenses or others associated with IPR carried out by the author, including the legal consequences that may arise because of it, is the author's full responsibility.

Submission Preparation Checklist
Authors are required to pay attention to the following matters before submitting articles to Mejuajua : Jurnal Abdimas:
1. Manuscripts are the work of the author himself, free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.
2. The manuscript has followed the guidelines and article writing templates at Mejuajua : Jurnal Abdimas.
3. References are made only to sources that are referenced in the text (Minimum 5 references)
4. Citation and reference writing managed using the Reference Manager (Mendeley or other)
5. The author will not send this article to other journals unless declared 'rejected' on Mejuajua : Jurnal Abdimas
6. The author is willing to do correspondence well, responsive, and ethical.
7. The minimum similarity of <25% uses iThenticate or Turnitin
8. Author is not allowed to withdraw submitted manuscripts, because the withdrawal is waste of valuable resources that editors and referees spent a great deal of time processing submitted manuscript, money and works invested by the publisher.


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